Selasa, April 05, 2016

"I feel that "true" words of encouragement are what Charlie really needs. He has been searching for people to rely on throughout his story, but in the end, he knows that he has to make it out alone. I feel that most people give "fake" condolences in such situations no matter how much they are willing to encourage, especially if they have never been through a similar experience. Therefore, I felt while reading that Charlie needs real words of encouragement from someone who has been through similar tragedy. However, I feel that younger audiences who are reading this book will feel deeper moments of catharsis than I did if they can relate to him; they may feel relieved or at ease that they aren't alone in their grievances and they may want to share their heartaches for the sake of releasing their emotions rather than encouraging each other."
I have been dealing with this.
I want something.
I ask for that.
Will it come true in the time -I- desire??
Or else
Perhaps my effort is not as equal as the others?
Then there is nothing more to say than it's okay. and so am I.

To: Thesis Defence.
Sincerely, my best conscience.

Jumat, April 10, 2015


I wrinkled. A lot. Expose how weak I am. I suppose.
It is not a good post. Means that I agree to such thing.
And agree not to cut it off.